Tuesday 11 October 2011

Weekly Weigh In - not as bad as I thought it would be!

By some miracle I managed to lose another pound! I cannot believe it one bit, after the week I had last week. I will not get complacent about it though, and this week I'm going to attack it with renewed vigour. I only need to lose anther pound to reach 2 stone stince I started WW, and it will be mine this week!

I'll be back later with a Tuesday Treat and will update you on my Operation Fit and Fabulous progress later in the week.

How have you all done lately?


1 comment:

  1. Hi there!
    I found your blog on another blogroll and wanted to stop by! I've just started my own and I'm trying to lose weight.. so I'm basically trying to find as much inspiration I can! ;)

    Congratulations on another pound lost! Losing is losing, even if it's 0,5lb, 5lb or whatever. :)
